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Save Money During the Summer Heat

Now that the warmer weather is coming up on us (and fast!), its time to start thinking about how we can save money through the warmer weather.

We have compiled a list of easy ways you can save money without dishing out a lot of cash.  Keep checking back here, we will be posting one tip per day.

Are you doing something to save money?  Send us a note via Facebook or Twitter, lets see how many great ideas we can put out there.

Tip #1 – Use a programmable thermostat

If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, buy one.  The savings can add up very quickly over the year.  This way, when you are out of the house, on vacation or asleep, you can set your thermostat to “save”.

Remember though, turning a home cooling unit off or more than 5 degrees higher at night or when you are gone for the day can cause the unit to work harder to cool the space when you turn it back on, cancelling out any savings you may have had.  Long holidays are the exception to this rule.

Tip #2 – Ceiling fans cool people not rooms

Ceiling fans are a great way to make a room feel more comfortable.  Make sure your fan is spinning clockwise in the summer though – this will create a wind-chill effect by pulling cooler air from the floor closer to the centre of the room. Turn your ceiling fan off when you exit the room. Fans cool people not rooms.

Tip #3 – Front load washers are great for saving water

Wash your clothes in a front load washer. With a front load washer you will save minimum of 20 gallons of water per load!  An average household does 8 to 10 loads of laundry per week; do the math –  at 20 gallons per load savings in water amounts to 160 gallons to 200 gallons of water saved per week and in a year that is a whopping 8320 to 10400 gallons of water saved as top load washers on average use between 40 and 45 gallons per load.

Tip #4 – Close off unused rooms

Consider closing air conditioning vents in rooms that aren’t often used.  Particularly those in bathrooms or laundry rooms.  Do not close any vents near thermostats, as this can cause an inaccurate reading and unnecessary cooling.

Further, keep doors closed – not just doors to outside – try to keep bedroom doors closed to keep the cool air in, especially if you have high or vaulted ceilings or a two-story home.  Consider the placement of your thermostats however so you do not affect the readings.

Tip #5 – Find alternative cooking methods

Avoid using the oven or stove in the afternoon or evening, which can greatly increase the heat in the home. Cook things like pasta and potato salad in the morning which can be served chilled in the evening. Or use a crock pot or toaster oven inside (the toaster oven can even be taken outdoors to decrease heat in the kitchen) and/or a grill outside (side burners work wonders!).  Besides – who doesn’t love a great grilled steak, or baked potatoes!