Proudly serving Southwestern Ontario for over 25 years!

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"Whenever I need insulation work done on my shows or for my construction company, it’s Insta I call." ~ Bryan Baeumler

Home Insulation Inspiration

Smart Comfort in a Lot More Ways than One

The children are back to school now, your mind has switched from summer gear back to full on work mode, and the weather has turned from hot to cool – hinting at what’s to come. As thoughts of winter creep to the fore, thoughts of insulation should be right there with them.

I work in the insulation business, and even I have to admit that insulation isn’t sexy. There are a lot of things out there you can spend your hard-earned dollars on; and I would wager that pretty much all of them have more allure than home insulation. But I can also tell you this. As an investment, home insulation pays big dividends. And those dividends can be used to pay for lots of fun things. So, why not start thinking about home insulation as more than just an investment. Start thinking about it as inspiration.

I say it all the time. Forget Wall Street. In-Your-Wall (or basement or attic) Street is where the good money goes! Home insulation pays back, not just in savings at current energy prices; as energy prices continue their upward trajectory, it actually pays back more… and more… and more the further you go into the future!

Like any investment – you need to hit the point of initial ROI. The speed of your return depends on a number of variables.

  • Which areas of the home are (and aren’t) insulated?
  • How much insulation do you have in those areas?
  • What is the quality of the insulation (and is it the most effective type of insulation for that area)?
  • What is the size of the building?
  • What energy source is used to heat (and cool) the building?

Whatever the variables are, they merely help determine the length of time it takes to recover your initial investment in home insulation. The simple fact of the matter is that you WILL recover your initial investment by way of unpaid energy dollars today (and inflated energy dollars tomorrow) alone. But your insulation investment pays back in other ways too: by preventing mould, which maintains your home’s value: by cutting summer electricity bills by reducing the load on you air conditioner: and more.

Obviously – and especially considering energy futures – home insulation is a fantastic investment! But we were talking about inspiration. Our company’s motto is “Smart Comfort.” Let’s start there.

The day after your insulation goes in, you notice there are fewer drafts, warm and cold zones – so there’s comfort there. Swings and extremes in humidity are mitigated – making you more comfortable. The furnace and the air conditioners don’t grind to life as frequently, which means you won’t be triggered to clench up and grit your teeth as much. That’s comforting too. Your home will be quieter. And there’s even the pleasant feeling that you’ve taken a step to offset climate change and its impact on future generations. What could be more comforting than that? These are all nice things that transcend the financial comfort new home insulation affords you. Do you feel inspired?

Then there’s this. What will you do with the money you save? There’s a lot of smart comfort there too. The US Environmental Protection Agency’s very conservative estimate of an average of 20% savings in heating and cooling costs from properly insulating your home (and remember, that’s not accounting for energy costs at TOMORROW’S prices!), means there’s a substantial amount of money that doesn’t have to come out of your wallet anymore. Where will it go?

Well, since we’re talking about inspiration and smart comfort, a big, comfy game-day recliner comes to mind for me. Maybe an interior design makeover for your newly warm, quiet draft-free living room would be in order. Then there’s this. Even though we can make your home more comfortable despite the ruthless Canadian winter, we can’t do anything about the outside. But your insulated home could mean some cozy Caribbean downtime – paid for in-part or in-full by your insulation/investment/inspiration.

The home insulation investment starts paying dividends sooner – the sooner you make it. And considering the volatility of global energy sector prices. Now would be as good a time as any to lock in.

Contact your Insta-Insulation representative and you’ll be making your investment with the help of a team that offers a level of knowledge, experience, and service commitment that has been recognized as some of the best in the industry.

How about that? Even the process of making the investment is comforting!