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"Whenever I need insulation work done on my shows or for my construction company, it’s Insta I call." ~ Bryan Baeumler

What’s the difference between R40 and R50 and R60?

“R” is referring to R-Value.  An R-Value  is given to a product to indicate the ability for the insulation to resist heat flow.  The higher the R the better the resistance to heat flow in most cases. When assessing your insulation needs it is always best to think of heat transfer. Example heat leaves your home in the winter and heat comes in from outside in the summer, or we insulate a freezer so heat does not get in rather than cold getting out.  R-Value is not the only thing to consider when choosing the insulation you use in your home. Air tightness is as important if not more important. Air leakage accounts for 40% of a home’s energy loss.  By tightening your home the insulation will be much more effective, this is why spray foam is so superior to fiberglass batts. Other examples of foam being superior to batt insulation would be freezers, water heaters and refrigerators.  If fiberglass batt is so effective why are all high performance products moving to closed cell insulation?